About this newsletter
Life is sooo messed up. An avalanche of information smothering you every day. Something is true, something is false. Worse: something is both at the same time. How do you overcome this chaos?
You improve your decision-making skills.
Not all choices are equal. Some bring you a better tomorrow. Others leave you where you are, or worse.
The web is full of good stuff, mixed with boring articles and also some super-stupid advice. Filtering all the information is a work in itself.
But what if we do it for you, and in the process we spare you a bunch of time and energy?
That’s the purpose of We Who Think.
It’s a curated newsletter. Every week we hand-pick 3 online resources: articles, videos, podcast episodes... We don’t just share them with you via email. From each one, we extract a neat idea to reduce life complexity.
You’ll then be free to go deeper. But the most actionable suggestions will be already in your inbox, without the fluff, without confusion.
Who’s behind this newsletter?
There’s not one single author, but two: Samuele Onelia and Alberto Cabas Vidani.
We are Italian. Anderson & Wayne, the company behind We Who Think is based in Romania. Alberto lives in Italy, I (Samuele) in Bali.
Aside of We Who Think we run also another website: Italian Indie (it’s in Italian).
You can contact us on Twitter:
And don’t forget to share this newsletter with your smartest friends.